The Rise of Educational Online Games


The Rise of Educational Online Games

From classic ร่วมดำเนินการ edutainment videos like Math Blaster to newer online MMOGs that allow students to build immersive worlds and structures, many teachers have turned to games to engage and motivate their kids. The most effective learning games combine content with low-stakes competition to help keep students engaged, particularly during the pandemic when it’s difficult for some students to find their niche in traditional classroom instruction.

In addition to enhancing problem-solving skills, the most successful players of videogames develop critical thinking and the ability to think on their feet. They also hone their creativity, learning to look at an unsolvable issue as an opportunity to flex their imagination and come up with alternative approaches. These abilities are important for a student’s future success in college, work and life, researchers say.

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For example, the popular game Minecraft lets students hone their digital skills by learning about the mouse and keyboard and how to navigate the internet safely (affiliate link). The online version of the game also teaches children how to use browsers, create usernames and passwords and how to search the web. This is important because our world will continue to be dominated by technology, and the better a child knows how to utilize the tools of the trade, the more productive and successful they’ll be as adults.

The interactive nature of a game can be particularly helpful for students who struggle with memorization, and many educational games automatically adjust the difficulty level to match the player’s skill. This makes it easy for teachers to provide extra practice for their weakest students without holding back the rest of the class.

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