Dangers of botox is an injection that relaxes facial muscles. In the process, it can lead to a number of side effects. Some of these are short-lived and mild, while others are more serious.
A few of the more common Botox side effects include bruising and redness at the injection site, swelling, and pain. If you are unsure about whether you are a good candidate for this procedure, consult your dermatologist.
Botox is relatively safe, although the risk of a severe adverse reaction can be higher for high doses. However, most people experience only minor symptoms.
A common botox side effect is loss of bladder control. While it is not usually life-threatening, it can interfere with daily tasks.
Another serious Botox side effect is difficulty breathing. This can be particularly troublesome in cases other than cosmetic.
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It is also possible to develop an allergic reaction to Botox. There are a number of possible symptoms, including vomiting, dizziness, and extreme muscle weakness.
Other Botox side effects can include asymmetry of the face and drooping eyelids. The full effects of Botox are visible after 14 days.
Some patients also report a feeling of numbness in the face and neck. If this happens, you may want to stop using makeup. Also, avoid rubbing the area where the injection was performed. You should never lie down for more than 3 to 4 hours after receiving the treatment.
In addition, it is important to remember that Botox is a neurotoxin, and it can pose an increased risk of botulism.